We’re happy to announce that we have Nitrox at Belize Dive Haven for our guests!.

Benefits of Diving with Nitrox
Nitrox is a mix of nitrogen and oxygen and is sometimes referred to as Enriched Air Nitrox. The mixture helps divers absorb less nitrogen, allowing them to stay underwater for longer stretches of time and can help prevent decompression sickness. Many divers who use nitrox also report that they have less fatigue, especially after multiple dives in a day.
Please note that to use nitrox you must go through special training where you will learn how to determine oxygen exposure, how to analyze your tank’s nitrox capacity, how to use special air tables and gear, how to place the correct marking on your diving equipment, how to fill up your tank with nitrox, and how to program your dive computer for nitrox diving.
Nitrox is available to our guests at a price of $20 USD per tank.
Contact us if you have any questions about nitrox.
Our Week-long Trips Include:
Just 30 miles from Belize City, Belize Dive Haven is located in pristine Turneffe Atoll. Consisting of creeks, lagoons, mangrove islands and cays, the atoll is home to over 500 species of fish, 65 different species of stony corals as well as birds, turtles, manatees and dolphins.
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