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Group Scuba Vacations

Whether you’re brand new to scuba diving or you’re looking to learn how, a great way to enhance your experience is to vacation and dive with a group of people! At Belize Dive Haven, we love the opportunity to introduce both intimate and expansive groups of vacationers to the joys of scuba diving and the…

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Guide To Rays In Belize

Belize is home to some of the most beautiful sea creatures in the world. It’s no secret that divers come from everywhere to experience swimming through the beautiful coral reefs with sea turtles, sharks, and dolphins. Another beloved sea creature our guests love to photograph and swim along with are the rays. With four unique types of rays in Belize,…

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Learn To Dive

Learning to dive can seem like a daunting task, but people all over the world of all ages learn to dive every day. If you’re looking to learn to dive, we can help to make that dream come true! At Belize Dive Haven, we love introducing our guests to the joy of diving among the…

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